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The MK's ruling on the Pileg 2024 dispute mandates a re-vote (PSU) in …

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작성자 Rosalind
댓글 0건 조회 11회 작성일 24-08-23 16:40


054294900_1713791002-gambar_bingkai_foto_presiden_dan_wakil_presiden_terpilih_2024-IMAM_8.jpgThe coklit process will be carried out by voter data updating officers (Pantarlih). At least 29,315 Pantarlih officers have been officially inaugurated by the KPU DKI Jakarta. This was stated by the Head of Data and Information Division of KPU DKI Jakarta, Fahmi Zikrillah, at the Readiness Ceremony of Voter Data Updating Officers (Pantarlih) for the gubernatorial election (Pemilihan Gubernur) at the Jakarta International Velodrome, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, on June 24, 2024.

064249800_1707953169-20240215-Pidato_Klaim_Kemenangan-HER_1.jpgHuda reminded that the Jakarta Pilkada is very fluid and nothing is fixed yet, including PKS, even though they are the winners of the Jakarta Legislative Election, If you have any inquiries with regards to where by and how to use Celebrity environmental advocacy, you can speak to us at our web site. but they cannot nominate on their own. "Nominating two figures at once as governor and deputy governor candidates, that’s in terms of political etiquette for a party that already has a golden ticket, has 20 percent. Now, we know our PKS friends did win in the last legislative election. But they haven’t exceeded 20 percent because they only have 18 seats while the 20 percent is 22 seats," he said. "So in my opinion, this model of hoarding figures for a party that doesn’t meet and doesn’t have a golden ticket is dangerous, dangerous," he said.

n[vidio:Headline: Proposed 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections to be Held on November 27, 2024, Legal Basis?](https://www.vidio.com/watch/2301520-headline-usulan-pilkada-serentak-2024-digelar-27-november-2024-payung-hukumnya

n"Regarding the 45-day period given by the MK, it will not affect the registration schedule for regional head candidates and their deputies ," Idham told the media on Saturday, June 22, 2024 . Idham explained that once the PSU process is completed according to the MK's decision , the KPU RI will hold an open plenary meeting related to KPU Decision No. 360 of 2024 . "After all follow-up actions on the MK's decision are completed, KPU RI will hold an open plenary meeting to amend KPU Decision No. 360 of 2024," Idham explained

The 2024 election and Pilkada schedules have been set. The 2024 election is scheduled to be held in February, with the exact date still awaiting an official decision from the KPU. Meanwhile, the simultaneous Pilkada will be held after the 2024 election process is completed.

"Until July 24, we will conduct voter data coklit, where we want to ensure that all eligible residents of DKI Jakarta are included and recorded in our voter data," stated Fahmi. According to Fahmi, Pantarlih officers will visit each resident from house to house to match and verify the accuracy of residents' data with the voter list and existing population documents. Fahmi mentioned that his party has received the Potential Voter Population List (Daftar Penduduk Potensial Pemilih Pemilihan) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri). At least, Fahmi said there are 8,315,669 voters in the Final Voter List (DPT).

Additionally, one important moment after the election is the inauguration of the elected president and vice president. The inauguration is held in October after the election, marking the beginning of a new leadership period in Indonesia .

According to Huda, another PKS confusion is pairing Anies-Sohibul directly, which he considers a blunder. "The ensuing problem is immediately pairing Mr. Anies and Mr. Sohibul Iman. In my view, that’s a blunder," stated. Huda said that by pairing Anies with Sohibul, it closes the door for other parties to join in supporting Anies. "This will close the door for other parties to partner and form this coalition," he said.

**Residents Prepare KK and E-KTP** "The results of the DP4 synchronization with the latest DPT voters are the basis for the coklit process, matching and research, which we will validate to see if the 8,315,669 voters' data is truly valid or not," he said. Furthermore, Fahmi hopes that residents can prepare several population documents to facilitate Pantarlih officers during the coklit process. Residents are requested to prepare their e-KTP and family card (Kartu Keluarga).

032685400_1504179334-170830_Sapi_1_Ton_Kurban_Presiden__1_.jpgn1. TPS 02 Tuladenggi Village, Telaga Biru District, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo
2. TPS 08 Tabona Sub-district, Ternate City, North Maluku
3. TPS 04 Perkebunan Sungai Lala Village, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau
4. TPS 002, Tanjung Peranap Village, Tebing Tinggi Barat, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau
5. 2 TPS in Dumai Barat, Riau
6. 2 polling stations in Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua
7. 2 polling stations in Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan
8. TPS 12 Desa Pardomuan, Kabupaten Samosir, Sumatera Utara
9. 8 TPS in Kecamatan Simuk, Nias Selatan, Sumatera Utara
10. 2 TPS in Desa Kembang Sari, Kecamatan Maro Sebo Ulu, Batanghari, Jambi
11. TPS 01 Desa Tatakalai, Kecamatan Tinangkung Utara, Banggai Kepulauan, Sulawesi Tengah
12. TPS 14 Panjunan Sub-district, Lemahwungkuk District, Cirebon City, West Java
13. TPS 15 Mentengsari Village, Cianjur Regency, West Java
14. Re-vote in electoral district 6, Gorontalo
15. PSU in electoral district Tarakan Tengah 1, Kalimantan Utara
16. Re-vote in a special location at a plantation company in Riau
17. Re-vote in Popugoba District, Jayawijaya, Highland Papua
18. PSU in Distrik Asotipo, Jayawijaya, Papua Pegunungan for DPRD Kabupaten Jayawijaya electoral district 4
19. Re-vote in Asotipo District, Jayawijaya, Highland Papua for Jayawijaya Regency DPRD electoral district 1
20. PSU in Sumatera Barat for DPR RI037995000_1712109908-IMG_0385.jpg


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